Bird Watcher 2.0

Build, Train And Deploy

Your Own Smart Bird Feeder

It's Open Source And FREE

Join The Fleet
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Meet Your Visitors

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Know Who They Are

Mithun Das

Meet The Creators

Mithun Das

Mithun Das

Distinguished Engineer at Cox Automotive

Ambassador at Balena

Ambassador at Edge Impmulse

Mithun Das

Marc Pous

Developer Advocate at Balena

Mithun Das

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Help To Identify Unknown Birds

Discuss With Other Birders on Discord


3D Print Your Own Feeder

If you have 3D prinuter, download our STL files and print them. If you make your own, don't forget to share.

Download STL

Hardwares You Need

  • Raspberry Pi 4
  • USB-C Power Suppy
  • 16GB Micro SD Card
  • Pi Camera V2 or USB Camera
  • USB Fan (Optional but recommended)
  • M2 and M3 screws, screw driver and super glue (needed if you 3D printig our design)

Softwares You Need

  • Balena Etcher [Free Download]
  • Balena Cloud Account [Free Signup] Required only if you want to create own Fleet
  • Edge Impulse Account [Free Signup] Required only if you want to create own ML model
  • Telegram Messenger [Free Signup] Required if you want to get notfication and share with community

How To Join The Fleet

step 1

Step 1

Click on "Join The Fleet" button from top of this website. This will take you to balena hub website.

step 1

Step 2

Click on "Get started" button. This will open a pop up window to add your device to the fleet.

step 1

Step 3

Select Wifi+Ethernet option unless you want to hardwire to ethernet port. Enter your WiFi credential and click on "Download balenaOS" button. This will download the balena image in a zip file.

step 1

Step 4

Open Balena Etcher software. Insert SD card to your computer. Select the downloaded image and the SD card in Etcher and click on "Flash!" button. This process will take few seconds.

step 1

Step 5

Once SD card is flashed, connect Pi Camera to your Pi. Insert SD card into Pi slot. Connect the power cable and power up the Pi. Wait for 10-15 minutes to get the device online. Then open your browser and type http://birdwatcher.local (make sure your computer or phone is connected to same WiFi network as the device). This will open the login page. Use birdwatcher as userame and password.

step 1

Step 6

You should see live stream on the browser. If live stream is not shown, restar the device by powering off and on. Once your device is online and you are logged into the application, navigate to settings page and change your username and password.

Let's Put Everything Together

step 1

Step 1

Connect Pi Camera, Fan and secure Pi 4 with screws.

step 1

Step 2

Snap the cover. It should be tight and secured.

step 1

Step 3

Snap the main unit to food tray.

step 1

Step 4

Attach food storage unit. Connect the power cable.

step 1

Step 5

Attach the food storage cover. Make sure it holds the main unit and storage securely.

step 1

Step 6

Finally attach the roof. Plug the power cable to outlet.

We are working on this website... it's not finished yet. More content will come.